Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Huck Headlines: 
Harney Shepherdson

Shepherdson vs. Grangerford Incident/ Article 1

The Shepherdson vs. Grangerford rivalry has been the talk of the town for the past couple of years; however, this Monday morning, tragedy actually  struck between the two families.  Early today, Colonel Grangerford announced that his comely daughter, Sophia, was missing.  Shortly after that, the Shepherdsons realized that their fetching son Harney was also gone.  This was the start of a typical Romeo/ Juliette love story but unfortunately, it ended worse than the original story did.

Immediately after the two families became aware of the situation at hand,
the women tried to talk things over while the men rode of on their horses
to stop the couple from crossing the river. (ch.18, 116) The fighting between the men got gruesome and it did not end well.  A plethora of casualties occurred once the incident was all said an done.  Five of those casualties were Grangerfords while two of the reported casualties were Shepherdsons.  The Grangerford fatalities include Col. Grangerford, Buck, Joe, and two of the bodies have yet to be identified.  Both of the Shepherdson bodies have yet to be found or identified.  In the end, Sophia and Harney ended up getting away.  (ch. 18, 117)  At this moment, they have no idea about the amount of chaos and destruction they have caused back home between their families.
The Grangerford Home

At the scene of the incident, we got the opportunity to speak with and query a bystander by the name of  GeorgeJackson.  He had been staying with the Grangerfords for about a week and he informed us
 of some very useful information.  George even witnessed the action first hand!  He told us that Buck had stated "The Shepherdsons was too strong for them." just before being shot by a Shepherdson man. (ch.18, 117)  George seemed quite upset and guilty about the whole situation.  He told us he felt as if it was his fault the entire incident happened because Sophia had sent him to fetch a note from the church just the day before from Harney that had printed on it "Half- past two." (ch.18,113)  Jackson seemed very rushed so we did not get any more information out of him; however, we got enough to know the story of how the momentous Shepherdson vs. Grangerford rivalry ended.

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